Collaboration with the British Embassy

The “Ridni” Charitable Foundation begins cooperation with the British government 

The new project is called “Strengthening the capacity of the ‘Family Support Service’ department of the ‘Ridni’ Social Support Center” and is implemented in collaboration with the “Children’s Affairs Service” Department of the Lviv City Council and the “Ridni” Center for Social Support of Children and Families.

The main goal is to preserve and strengthen the potential of families in crisis situations to ensure the well-being of children in Ukraine through capacity building and expansion of work.

It will be implemented in the municipal institution of the Lviv City Council “Ridni Center”, specifically in the “Family Support Service” department, and is designed to help families in difficult life circumstances, ensuring family preservation for the well-being of the child.

We thank our partners for the joint opportunity to care for the well-being of Ukrainian families!

August 23, 2024
A recent organizational meeting took place within the framework of the project "Strengthening the capacity of the 'Family Support Service' unit at the 'Ridni' Social Support Center of the Lviv City Council"
August 23, 2024
A recent organizational meeting took place within the framework of the project "Strengthening the capacity of the 'Family Support Service' unit at the 'Ridni' Social Support Center of the Lviv City Council"

Invited foster parents of family-type orphanages and foster families learned about the services available at the unit.

A recent organizational meeting took place within the framework of the project "Strengthening the capacity of the 'Family Support Service' unit at the 'Ridni' Social Support Center of the Lviv City Council," implemented with the support of our foundation, the Children's Service of the Lviv City Council, and the Municipal Institution 'Ridni' Social Support Center for Children and Families.

Invited foster parents of family-type orphanages and foster families learned about the services available at the unit.

These services include individual and group consultations with a psychologist, correctional psychologist, and speech therapist-defectologist, as well as thematic workshops, masterclasses, and art activities.

Our team and partners are dedicating all efforts to support and provide professional assistance to the children and families who turn to us.

The project is being implemented in cooperation with the "Ridni" Charitable Foundation, the "Children's Service" Department of the Lviv City Council, and the Municipal Institution 'Ridni' Social Support Center for Children and Families, with the support of the British Government.

August 12, 2024
Detailed information about the activities of the "Ridni" Center for Social Support of Children and Families
August 12, 2024
Detailed information about the activities of the "Ridni" Center for Social Support of Children and Families

In this post, we will provide more detailed information about the activities of the "Ridni" Center for Social Support of Children and Families, which was created by the Lviv City Council with the support of the Ridni Charitable Foundation.

The Center includes two main departments:

1. Emergency placement of children
2. Family Support Service

The "Emergency Placement of Children" department provides social services for children who are in difficult life circumstances, are internally displaced persons (IDPs), found and abandoned, as well as for those who have applied to the Center on their own.

The "Family Support Service" department is aimed at working with the parents of children who are in the Center. It provides counseling and social prevention for families in difficult life circumstances, with addicted family members or abusers. Specialists provide individual and group consultations, cooperate with city organizations that help people with various addictions.

In 2023, the "Family Support Service" department of the Center provided support to 17,672 people.

Currently, within the framework of the Center's work, a project is being implemented to expand the range of services, which will contribute to improving work with families and ensuring an even greater number of children the opportunity to live in a loving and caring family. The project is being implemented in cooperation with the Ridni Charitable Foundation, the "Service for Children's Affairs" Department of the Lviv City Council and the "Ridni" Center for Social Support of Children and Families, with the support of the British Government.

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