
The goal of the Ridni Foundation is to promote adoption and cope the problem of orphanhood in Ukraine. That is why we provide consulting and educational support for adoptive parents and foster parents on the basics of parenthood, age psychology, and family relationships. 


Every child needs a family. The unconditional love of caring parents, constant support, mutual understanding and the comfort of home. We believe that the topic of adoption is close to many people who do care. 

For those who are eager to find out more, the Ridni Foundation is launching a Hotline. On weekdays from 10:00 to 18:00 our operators will be able to advise you on a number of relevant issues, in particular you will receive information on the legal aspect of the adoption process. 

Information for parents on the adoption process 

Step-by-step procedure for national adoption: 

1. Application to the Children’s Affairs Service at your place of residence: 

– the service provides professional consultation on the procedure and conditions of adoption, the rights and obligations of candidates for adoption and submits the documents for adoption. 

2. Registration of candidates for adoption: 

– within 10 working days of receiving all the documents, the Children's Affairs Service draws up a report on the living conditions and examines it; 

– on the basis of the documents and the interview, a conclusion is made on the registration of the candidate for adoption. 

3. Foster care training: 

– optionally or at the recommendation of the Children's Affairs Service, receive training in fostering orphans and children deprived of parental care. 

4. Obtaining of a finding of adoptability/non-adoptability: 

–  a finding of adoptability is presented and the documents with a reference number are returned with it. 

5. Obtaining of information on children who may be adopted: 

–  lists of children who may be adopted are available in the Children's Affairs Service (local or regional) and the Department for Protection of Children's Rights and Adoption Ministry of Social Affairs; 

– information that is provided about the child: photo, health status of the child, his/her mental and physical development and: whether he/she has any brothers/sisters. 

6. Referrals for arranging a meeting with a child: 

– After receiving information about the child, a referral is made to the Children's Affairs Office according to the child's location to arrange a meeting. 

7. Meeting with a child: 

– Meeting with the child and getting more information about the child. 

8. Making a decision on adoption  

–  when deciding to adopt this child, you must write an application to the Children's Affairs Service at the child's place of residence. 

9. The Children’s Affairs Service’s finding on the advisability of adoption: 

– the Children’s Affairs Service at the child's place of residence prepares a draft finding on the advisability of adoption and its suitability for the child within 10 working days ( from the date of receipt of the application); 

– this finding is handed over for submission to the court together with other documents. 

10. The court hearing of the case. 

11. The adoption of the child into the family. 

Persons who can be adoptive parents 

Under Article 211 of the Family Code of Ukraine, persons who may be adoptive parents are: 

1. An adoptive parent may be a legally capable person of at least twenty-one years of age, except when the adoptive parent is a relative of the child. 

2. The adoptive parent may be a person who is at least fifteen years older than the child to be adopted. In the case of adoption of an adult, the difference in age may not be less than eighteen years. 

3. Adoptive parents may be spouses as well as persons specified in the fifth and sixth paragraphs of this Article. Adoptive parents may not be persons of the same sex. 

4. Persons who are not married to each other may not adopt the same child. If such persons live in the same family, the court may rule on their adoption of a child. 

5. If a child has only a mother, he cannot be adopted by a man with whom his mother is not married. If a child has only a father, he may not be adopted by a woman to whom he is not married. If such persons live together as a family, the court may order their adoption. 

6. If a child has only a mother or only a father who loses legal ties with the child in connection with the adoption, the child may be adopted by one man or one woman. 

7. There is no limit to the number of children that one adopter may adopt. 

Documents for adoption 

Persons wishing to adopt a child may apply in writing to the local Children's Affairs Office to be registered as candidates for adoption. 

A written application for registration as an adoptive parent must be submitted to the Children's Affairs Service at the place of residence. This application may be written in the presence of a child welfare officer and certified by him/her. If one of the spouses is unable to come to the Children's Affairs Office to write the application in person, a notarised application can be submitted by one of the spouses. 

The following documents must be attached to the application: 

1) a copy of passport or other identity document; 

2) a certificate of salary for the last six months or a copy of the income declaration for the previous calendar year certified by the tax authorities; 

If the adoptive parents are a married couple, the certificate of salary for the last six months or a copy of the income declaration for the previous calendar year certified by the tax authorities may be submitted by one of the spouses with permanent income; 

3) copy of marriage certificate from the Civil Registry Office if applicants are married; 

4) statement of health status of each applicant; 

5) notarized written consent of the other spouse for the adoption of the child (in case of the adoption of the child by one of the spouses), unless otherwise provided by law; 

6) criminal record certificate for each applicant, issued by the bodies of internal affairs at the place of residence of the applicant; 

7) copy of the document confirming the right of ownership or use of residential premises. 
 Copies of the documents referred to in sub-paragraphs 1, 3 and 7 shall be certified by the Children's Affairs Officer in charge of accepting the documents. 

If a child is adopted by one spouse, a health certificate and a criminal record certificate shall be submitted by each spouse. 

The application is deemed to have been submitted if all the documents specified in the list are added to it. Applicants may not be required to submit documents that are not included in the list. 

The period of validity of the documents is one year from the date of issue, unless otherwise stipulated by law. 

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