Our mission

Ridni is a Charity Fund whose mission is overcoming orphanhood and developing the institution of the family.

Our team has a long-cherished dream—we would like all the children to grow up in the family circle and have a happy childhood. To do so, we provide children and adults with psychological counseling, social support, and educational assistance. We give consultative support to adoptive parents, as well as for foster parents from family-type children’s homes.

Our highest value is safety and wellbeing of every child.This slogan is key to the activity of our foundation, because our work is aimed at ensuring that children grow and develop in safety and love.

Our story

We continue the wonderful story of the Diaconia Charity Fund. Since 2012, the Fund has been bringing to fruition various projects to support children from vulnerable social groups.

Over this time, we established 2 family-type children’s homes accomodating 20 children, more than 10 000 took part in career guidance programs, more than 100 дітей взяло участь в денних таборах протягом літніх та зимових канікул, 250 children found a safe place abroad, 600 families received material and psychological support.

Yuriy Fedoriv, founder of the Ridni Charity Fund: :

Every child is much more likely to become a good and successful person if he/she grows up in a family surrounded with love and relevant spiritual education. Therefore, the purpose of the Ridni Charity Fund is to build an effective working model of care and adoption of orphans in Lviv. In the future, we would like to spread this model around all of Ukraine together with other charity funds and all those willing to step on the mission with us

Our partners
  • ucap
  • ucap
  • unicef
  • parodent
  • parodent
  • parodent
  • avalon
  • 24tv
  • okko
  • tickets
  • medicover
  • rikota
  • ffl
  • loda.gov.ua
  • vertograd-juice
  • avenga
  • dodosocks
  • svitkavy
  • onelove
  • city-adm
  • city-adm
  • spital
  • enzym
  • antoshka
  • rosa
  • rosa
  • sparrow-capital
  • street-child
  • unfpa
  • accor
  • lytsarikolumba
  • parlamento
  • parlamento
Media about us
The way children see the war. Ridni Charitable Foundation arranges an international photo exhibition
The Ridni Charitable Foundation wants to get to know the youngest, to see their point of view and to attract the attention of the international community.
The Head of the Ridni Foundation told about the Foundation’s activities during the war and defending the rights of Ukrainian children on the air of Channel 24.
Up to 2 million children left Ukraine because of Russian aggression
How orphans from Ukraine’s hot spots are being rescued, what you can do to help – a proven foundation in Lviv.
The Ridni Charitable Foundation in Lviv provides a temporary shelter for such children and helps them find a new home.
Genes have no influence on what a child will become. Myths and truths about adoption.
What happens during the adoption process and how to start loving an adopted child - were the topics covered during the discussion “Adoption: expectations and reality”, organised by the Ridni Charitable Foundation.
Singer Jamala met with orphans being cared by the Ridni Charitable Foundation
At the end of the concert the singer met the children who prepared gifts for her and expressed gratitude for her support.
Panel discussion on adoption myths will be held in Lviv
On 11 February at 18:00 a discussion on “Adoption: expectations and reality” will take place. Tvoemisto.tv will broadcast it on its resources.
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